Look for the Easiest Solution to a Problem — Here is What You Will Learn

Photo by Tracy Jentzsch on Unsplash

It is still hard, and the result may not be much different. Tuesday evening. There’s a knock at my office door. “Hey”, she said. “We are going to the cocktail bar down the street. Would you like to come? Have a mojito or something?” “Sorry, I can’t”, I said. “Oh, come on”, she said. “You’re… Continue reading Look for the Easiest Solution to a Problem — Here is What You Will Learn

The Power of Natural Planning

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

If you are stuck with a project, this might be a way out. Sometimes we work on something and it doesn’t feel right. If that happens, it is great to remind yourself of the fundamentals of your work. It is what a martial artist does when she checks her posture, stances, and hand positioning. Or… Continue reading The Power of Natural Planning